The trimming and/or topping of common area trees by owners and residents is strictly prohibited for these reasons:
- Common area trees are community property. Action by a single owner or resident affecting common area property is deemed unlawful trespass and may be made the subject of legal action by the HOA.
- The unauthorized trimming of common area trees may be treated as vandalism and may be made the subject of legal action by the HOA.
- Along with the above, an owner or resident hiring a third party to trim a tree could result in significant liability to the owner in the event of personal injury or damage to property.
- Under our current CC&Rs and By-Laws, our management company, working through our landscape contractor, is responsible for the maintenance, removal, and replacement of common area vegetation. Any and all tree matters must be brought to the attention of TSG Independent Property Management Company (949‑481‑0555 or general@tsgindependent.com).
- Specific language regarding the maintenance of trees will be incorporated in our CC&Rs and By-Laws which are currently under revision.