Private Street Maintenance 2022: May Update

Our contractor, Preferred Paving, has scheduled the final phases of our private street maintenance project for 31 May and 6 June.

31 May

Preferred Paving will be posting notices on 27 May for the seal coating and parking space stripping
on Zena Court, Jove Court, Vesta, and Athena. Work will begin on these streets on 31 May. All cars must be relocated from designated parking spaces before work begins at 7:00 a.m. on the 31st. Access to these streets will be restricted for 24 hours after the work is complete.

6 June

Notices will be posted on/about 4 June for the seal coating and parking space stripping on Andrea Court,
Leto Circle and Perseus Court on 6 June. All cars must be relocated from designated parking spaces on these streets before work begins at 7:00 a.m. on the 6th. Access to these streets will be restricted for 24 hours after the work is complete.

Residents were alerted to this project via a flyer delivered to each home. The notice included the following:

  • Vehicles not moved out of a work area by 7:00 a.m. on the day work is scheduled in your phase will be towed at the owner’s expense.
  • If you need your car for the day, please remove it from your garage to an area not scheduled for work that day.
  • No vehicles will not be allowed street access in work areas for 24 hours or until Preferred paving Co. removes road barricades, cones, or caution tape.
  • For your safety, please keep pets and children away from job site equipment and materials.
  • Please inform your service providers of the asphalt work and seal coating dates, as no access will be available (maid service, repair companies, newspaper delivery, etc.).

Waste Management Update 2022 April

Green Waste Bins

Recently confirmed by Waste Management, the new green waste bins should be placed curbside along with trash and recycle bins for servicing on Thursdays. Remember, organic waste permitted in these bins includes meat, fish, poultry, dairy products, fruits and vegetables, bread, pasta, rice, grains, bones, eggshells, seafood shells, plate scrapings, food-soiled paper/paper napkins (minimal amount), grass, leaves, tree branches, shrubs, brush, plants, weeds, garden trimmings, and sawdust.

Senior Citizen Discount

The recent Recycling News Winter 2021-22 from Waste Management announced that qualifying seniors in the City are eligible for a discount of approximately 10% on their quarterly service bill.

How do you qualify for the Senior Citizen Discount?

  • Must provide proof of 65 years of age or older
  • Must own or rent/lease the home
  • Must be responsible for payment of the waste bill

To download an application, please visit or contact Customer Service at 949-642-1191 for assistance.

Private Street Maintenance 2022: April 24 Update

Our private street maintenance project will resume on 16-17 May 2022 when asphalt cracks will be sealed followed by the seal coating of all private streets. See the announcement enclosed with your May assessment billing.

Residents were alerted to this project via a flyer delivered to each home on/about 28-29 March. The notice included the following:

  • Vehicles not moved out of a work area by 7:00 a.m. on the day work is scheduled in your phase will be towed at the owner’s expense.
  • If you need your car for the day, please remove it from your garage to an area not scheduled for work that day.
  • No vehicles will not be allowed street access in work areas for 24 hours or until Preferred paving Co. removes road barricades, cones, or caution tape.
  • For your safety, please keep pets and children away from job site equipment and materials.
  • Please inform your service providers of the asphalt work and seal coating dates, as no access will be available (maid service, repair companies, newspaper delivery, etc.).

2022 Annual Meeting of the Members and Board Election Results

As required by our By-Laws, the annual meeting of the memberships was conducted on 17 February 2022, delayed one week to meet quorum.

The popular votes for nominating Board members to fill two open seats went to Evan Goss, a first-time candidate for the Board, and incumbent Curt Rastetter. Each will serve two-year terms, ending on 31 December 2024. Eighty-six ballots were received representing 172 votes (two votes per member) for a participation rate of 32%.

The IRS Revenue Ruling 70-6-4 regarding the disposition of HOA surplus funds passed overwhelmingly. This vote permits the Board to apply excess funds to next year’s budget in order to reduce potential tax liabilities.