Beginning November 1, 2021

Waste Management will be delivering new bins for trash (black lids), recycling (blue lids), and green waste (green lids). Waste Management will also be delivering a kitchen food waste pail for collecting compostable organic waste. Old trash and recycling bins should be left curbside after the regular service dates beginning the first week of November 2021. They will be removed the next day by a separate Waste Management truck.
Note: A recent Waste Management advisory reported that the delivery of green waste bins in our community will occur during December 2021.
Beginning January 1, 2022
Residents will be required to separate their food waste from trash and place all food waste along with any plant waste in the green top waste bin.
More information is available in the City of Mission Viejo Residential Recycling and Refuse Service Guide (PDF).
Hi – the green bin is not being picked up weekly. It is supposed to be as we have confirmed this with Waste Management many times, but it is only being picked up monthly. With the addition of food waste, this is increasingly concerning for us. Can the HOA contact Waste Management on behalf of all residents? As individuals, we haven’t been able to make progress, but perhaps the power of the HOA can help get the bins picked up weekly with trash and recycling?
Hi Farley, I just called WM to request my green waste bin and was told that green waste is picked up on Mondays and the other bins are serviced on Thursdays. Have you been putting out the green bin on Mondays?
I confirmed the schedule online by logging into, selecting “View ETA and Schedule”, “Select Service” button, and finally “Green Waste” to see that the next pickup is Monday, January 17th.
This link should take you to the right page:
I also discovered the “Service History” page ( where you can see precise date and time of your pickups and a video clip from inside the truck of your trash being dumped.
You can also report a missed service at I see these contact options: