Our private street maintenance project will resume on 16-17 May 2022 when asphalt cracks will be sealed followed by the seal coating of all private streets. See the announcement enclosed with your May assessment billing.
Residents were alerted to this project via a flyer delivered to each home on/about 28-29 March. The notice included the following:
- Vehicles not moved out of a work area by 7:00 a.m. on the day work is scheduled in your phase will be towed at the owner’s expense.
- If you need your car for the day, please remove it from your garage to an area not scheduled for work that day.
- No vehicles will not be allowed street access in work areas for 24 hours or until Preferred paving Co. removes road barricades, cones, or caution tape.
- For your safety, please keep pets and children away from job site equipment and materials.
- Please inform your service providers of the asphalt work and seal coating dates, as no access will be available (maid service, repair companies, newspaper delivery, etc.).