Thursday, June 25, 2020
The Pool will be monitored by Patrol Masters. Everyone wishing to use the pool will be asked to abide by the following rules:
- Pool hours will be Wednesday through Sunday 11am – 7pm from June 25th through September 10th. Hours and days opened will be subject to further review by the Board of Directors of the HOA.
- Only Home Owners and Tenants of Aegean Heights will be allowed entry.
- All entrants will be required to sign in at the gate and log their time of arrival. All will be required to sign a Covid-19 waiver of liability.
- A maximum of 40 people will be allowed in the Pool area.
- It will be expected that everyone will observe a 2-hour maximum stay. Once you have reached your maximum stay time, it will be expected that you leave so that others waiting may gain entry. If no one is waiting for entry, stay time may be extended.
- Some of the Pool Lounges will be rendered unusable to help with social distancing. Please use the Pool in a safe manner. Everyone will be asked to maintain social distancing of 6′ feet apart unless a family unit. Face masks shall be worm when not in the Pool.
- You may bring your own chairs.
- Restrooms, gates, and any other touch areas will be sanitized regularly. Hand sanitizer will be available at the entry and at the restrooms.
- If the maximum allowable of entrants is reached the monitor will have a “wait list”. The monitor can then estimate the time left before the next person on the wait list may enter.
- Wait list people will give the monitor their telephone number and will be sent a text once their time to enter is determined.
- Once we reach the maximum occupants, the person with the longest stay will be asked to depart. Remember, 2 hours is the maximum time allowed.
Have a Great time and be Stay Safe